[gci-discuss] Task approval
Abhi Kulshrestha
2018-11-06 08:22:10 UTC
It takes a long time in task approval and so is, I can not claim another task. I am trying to give my fullest but due to this I can not devote myself to a long time and hence I need to wait to claim a task for a long
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'Google Code-in Support' via Google Code-in Discuss
2018-11-06 12:57:17 UTC
Post by Abhi Kulshrestha
It takes a long time in task approval and so is, I can not claim another
task. I am trying to give my fullest but due to this I can not devote
myself to a long time and hence I need to wait to claim a task for a long
Mentors have up to 36 hours to approve your work. Please be patient.
Mentors try to approve all tasks in under 24 hours but during the very busy
times it can be closer to 36 hours.

Remember that the mentors are all volunteers and are trying to help you.
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2018-11-07 04:21:17 UTC
Belive me you have to wait! I understand your frustration, but do not work
on an other task in the mean time because it might get claimed by somwone
else. Make sure you do the task to your best without mistakes, so that you
dont waste another day with a "more work needed" all due to a small typo.

Wish you best of luck. Be patient.
Post by Abhi Kulshrestha
It takes a long time in task approval and so is, I can not claim another
task. I am trying to give my fullest but due to this I can not devote
myself to a long time and hence I need to wait to claim a task for a long
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2018-11-07 14:29:11 UTC
Post by Abhi Kulshrestha
It takes a long time in task approval and so is, I can not claim another task. I am trying to give my fullest but due to this I can not devote myself to a long time and hence I need to wait to claim a task for a long
I can understand your frustration. It does take a lot of time for mentor approval. This is because they are busy fulfilling their other commitments too. So we have no option rather than being patient. But in the mean time I think rather than worrying somebody else will grab the task, you should start working on another task and claim that task as soon as your previous task has been approved. Even if somebody else claims the task you should remember the basic aim of the competition that is to learn. Rather than thinking about winning you should focus on the learning part. All the best!!
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